Transfer instructions for Donors with Stock or Mutual Fund Donations
For all gifts of stock:
A letter of authorization from the donor to the parish is required. A letter sample is attached. If you have any questions call Jim Buckley at the number indicated below. Email a copy to Jim Buckley at [email protected].
- Transfers from a Donor Account at a Brokerage House
Note: Donor’s Broker must initiate transfer.
In addition to the letter mentioned above, please give the following information to the donor broker for transferring to the Archdiocesan broker. (Broker to Broker)
- J.P. Morgan Wealth Management
Attn: Jim Buckley Phone: 415-296-5839
111 Pine Street Fax: 415-835-1848
San Francisco, CA 94111
Email: [email protected]
2. DTC# 0352 – J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
3. S.F.Archdiocesan Account number is: 52098113
4. Account Name: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco
5. Instruct your donor’s broker to include the following information on the trailer line (second line) of their transfer instructions.
- FBO (provide Parish Name)___and___(Donor Name)_____
NOTE: Failure to include the above information for each transfer will delay identifying the donation and could cause us not to acknowledge the donation in timely manner.
- Stock Certificates donated directly by Donor
1. Instruct the donor to deliver the stock certificate and an executed stock power
to your Parish Office.
2. OR they can deliver their stock certificate and an executed stock power form (via registered mail) to JP Morgan at the above address. A letter of authorization must accompany the stock certificate and executed stock power.
Date: _______________________
Jim Buckley
J.P. Morgan Wealth Management
111 Pine Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
Dear Mr. Buckley:
Please accept this as your authorization to deposit _______________ shares of _____________________________ stock into account no. 52098113, for the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
This donation is for the benefit of _____________________________ Parish/School.
______________________________ ___________________________
Customer Signature PRINT NAME
______________________________ ____________________________
Joint Customer Signature PRINT NAME
Phone Number: _______________________
Email address: ________________________
Email copy to [email protected] at (415) 614-5516 or [email protected] at (415) 614-5514