Dear Jack-
Attached is a letter that Sr. Monica Miller wrote to Bishop Wester regarding Fall Fest speaker requirements. The Office of Young Adult Ministry was not in existence at that time and so we do not have an official policy, but we wanted you to be aware of this letter that, informally, states criteria.
In 1999, Sr. Monica Miller acted as the Fall Fest Coordinator in the absence of an official young adult ministry office.
Fall Fest is our annual conference for young adults in their 20s and 30s. Should you have any questions, please contact me.
Dear Bishop Wester,
I am writing to you in reference to Fall Fest ’99 in specific regard to the criteria that speakers mist have to qualify to be presenters. We have had quite a few requests from young adults who may lack the credentials to be speakers. I appreciate their enthusiasm; however, it becoining clear to me that we need to state some minimal qualifications. After spealOng with Sister Celeste Arbuckle and Ms. Joni Gallagher, I would like to propose the; following as criteria for speakers for Fall Fest ’99:
- A Master Catechist and recommendation from their pastor
- A graduate of the School of Pastoral leadership and the recommendation of the Director of the SPL
- A student in a graduate theology program with the recommendation of a faculty member
- A professor/instructor at a theologate or school of theology
- An adult who holds a Master of Arts in Theology, the equivalent, or a Doctor of Ministry.
- A member in good standing with his/her parish and the Catholic community at large.
I feel that I heed something in writing to verify the criteria in the event that I should be questioned liy Directors of Religious Education or any one who doubts this list of qualificatios. Can you call or write to me regarding this matter? We are in the planning stage for scheduling speakers and this issue has already arisen in a couple of cases.
It is of the utinost importance to me and to the committee that we present a credible, well-educated, and inspiring group of speakers who relate well to young adults.
look forsvardto hearing from you. I am enclosing my business card for your convenience.